Today, I went to my primary care doctor for a check up and I weighed 349.2. It is so nice to move the scale out of the 350+ section and down to the 300+ section! The doctor was pleased with my results but said sutures aren’t ready to come out yet. She wrote a prescription for something for yeast infection that I have vaginally and in my mouth (thrush) from being on such strong antibiotics. While I was there, it took them three tries to get my blood work. I have been stuck 16 times in just over a week and I don’t care if I ever see another needle again. I HATE having my blood drawn and get severe anxiety because I know I am about to become a human pin-cushion. Good news that I finally got over the pneumonia I have had every day since the day after my surgery. Today, I entered into the week 2 phase and was able to add pudding and greek yogurt to my diet – I had some of both. I also tried “Better Than Bouillon,” chicken broth and it is delicious! I only eat and drink a few ounces at each meal now.
My veins are shot