Weight Loss Phase

4 Months Post-Op

Current weight – 318.2 — I’m down 47.8 pounds since surgery and 71 pounds since since highest weight. I’m still struggling with swallowing issues and I’ve seen an ENT and she said there isn’t an issue with my throat, then I saw a gastroenterologist and he has me scheduled for an endoscopy procedure in 17 days to hopefully resolve the issue with my esophagus. I also saw a bariatric surgeon for follow up and to discuss the hernia and he wants me to wait at least 2 more months to have that repaired fixed. In the meantime, my mindset is good. I’m happy with the results from my surgery and I’m hoping to get down until 300 pounds in the next month or so. Some benefits of losing the 71 pounds so far, I am able to get in and out of the boat by myself using the boat ladder, I was able to swim for a couple of hours easily and I fell in the bedroom and I was able to get back up by myself. I feel like I am one step closer to the hip surgery I need.